Printable Teacher Survival Kit

As we gear up for another school year, it’s important to remember and appreciate the incredible work that teachers do day in and day out. They are the unsung heroes who shape and mold the minds of our future generation. To show our gratitude, why not put together a Teacher Survival Kit? It’s a thoughtful and practical gift that any teacher would appreciate. Plus, we have some amazing free printables to make your gift even more special!

Teacher Survival Kit #1

Teacher Survival Kit PrintableThis first Teacher Survival Kit printable is absolutely adorable! It has a vibrant and colorful design that will surely bring a smile to any teacher’s face. The kit includes essential items like pens, sticky notes, hand sanitizer, and chocolate – because let’s be honest, chocolate is always a good idea!

Teacher Survival Kit #2

Teacher Survival Kit PrintableIf you’re looking for a more minimalist design, this second Teacher Survival Kit printable is perfect. It features a simple yet elegant look with a beautiful color scheme. The kit includes items like tissue, snacks, coffee, and mints – all the essentials to keep a teacher going throughout the day.

Teacher Survival Kit #3

Teacher Survival Kit PrintableThis third Teacher Survival Kit printable takes a different approach with a fun and playful design. It includes items like Band-Aids, headache medicine, and a stress ball – because let’s face it, teaching can be stressful at times!

Teacher Survival Kit #4

Teacher Survival Kit PrintableIf you’re feeling crafty, you’ll love this fourth Teacher Survival Kit printable. It has a vintage-inspired look that is sure to impress. The kit includes items like tea bags, hand lotion, and a motivational quote – perfect for those days when a teacher needs a little extra pick-me-up.

Teacher Survival Kit #5

Teacher Survival Kit PrintableLast but not least, we have the fifth Teacher Survival Kit printable. It has a clean and modern design that any teacher would love. The kit includes items like sticky tabs, chocolate, and a bookmark – because teachers are lifelong learners too!

Putting together a Teacher Survival Kit is not only a great way to show your appreciation for teachers, but it’s also a fun and creative project. So, grab your scissors, glue, and printing paper, and let’s get started on creating the perfect gift for those amazing educators in your life!